Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am so sad. I here the statistics that only 20% of Haitians have access to clean water or that there are 300,000 orphans and that only 20% of Haitians can read... but that was all before the earthquake! What now? My heart is torn in many ways. As a person with a job and resources, I want to give. As a Social Worker, I want to go and help. As a Mom, I want my kids to get this, to see it and feel compassion. As a follower of Christ I want to impart hope. I am so thankful for every missionary who told a Haitian person about a Creator that loves them. I am thankful that so many have taken a message of hope. I am thankful for those who have hope. My heart breaks wide open for anyone who does not believe there is hope.

Each life matters. I know God is grieved far beyond what I feel.

I had the boys watch the coverage today and yesterday. They ask questions and we talk. But how can their little minds imagine life without parents or the loneliness an orphan feels. How do kids who've never missed a meal understand hunger? Or kids who have learned at a young age to get their water from the fridge understand thirst. I want my boys to have hearts that see these images and they FEEL. I want them to be moved to prayer and action. One suburban Mom, three little boys and a world that needs Jesus. Where do we start?


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